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How to follow the course

So this course exists in video form, as well as text form, and you can mix and match however you want, depending on your learning style. Here are some things to note when reading the text


Code snippets and keyboard shortcuts will be highlighted like this and programming concepts and/or glossary terms will be bolded like this

I’ll also include larger code snippets like this

// oPlayer Step Event


    x -= 4;

Once you’re comfortable with events, I’ll start each of my code snippets with a comment stating where you can find the code

If the there’s preexisting code in the event I’ll either include it in the snippet, or use ... to indicate that the code is still there, it’s just not relevant to the update

🤓 Deep dives

Since I’ve been programming and making games for a long time, I’ll frequently want to go on tangents digging into some of the finer details of what we’ve discussed

These tangents won’t be included in the video. There’s enough new material as is, and I don’t want to confuse people who are already having a hard time with the core concepts

But text is a different story, it’s a lot easier for people to skip over sections on text. So I’m marking the deep dives with a 🤓, so you know to either skip or buckle up

Pop Quizes

Small quizes are really powerful. They can keep people thinking and enaged, and can also serve as checkpoints so people know if they really understand the concept or not. To simulate that I’ll be including expandable areas in the text book. Like this

It means I’m about to go into a deep dive on the tangential topic, but you should only read these blurbs if they’re interesting to you. If you’re not in the mood please skip 🙂

(See what I did there, I did a meta thing 😉)

With each of these expandable areas, I recommend you pause to think about the question for a bit before checking the answer

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