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Where do I start?

Here’s roughly the order I followed when implementing this project

  1. Create sPlayer, sSpike, sTrampoline, and sLife sprites
  2. Create objects oPlayer, oSpike, and oTrampoline
  3. Add dx / dy and gravity logic to oPlayer
  4. Trigger a jump when oPlayer collides with oTrampoline
  5. Make the player move left/right in response to the keyboard keys
  6. Make the room tall, and set the view to follow the oPlayer
  7. Trigger a room transition when the player goes above the room
  8. Add spikes along the bottom of the room, and make them follow the oPlayer
  9. Restart the room when oPlayer collides with oSpike
  10. Create an oControl object, and make it persistent
  11. Create a new room, rmStart, set it to the first room, and add oControl
  12. Setup a lives variable in oControl and have it draw icons
  13. When the play dies, update the lives and restart the room or the game accordingly

How do I detect the keyboard left / right buttons?

You’ll use the keyboard_check_ functions, just like you did when detecting space bar in flappy bird

All non-letter keyboard keys can be referenced using the vk_ variables, so you can type it out and view the autocomplete whenever you’re not sure what to use

In this case you should use vk_left and vk_right

Each trampoline is chaining into the next one, what’s wrong here?

If you look closely at the gif, you’ll see that player can only collide with the trampolines when the player is moving downward. Otherwise dense trampolines would cause a chain reaction

To add some visual feedback, I actually gave the player 2 frames to clarify whether it’s ready to land on a trampoline or not

How do I make the lives draw on the right side?

I switched things up to make it a tad trickier 😈

In flappy bird, I drew the lives at 10, 40, and 70. You could use raw numbers here as well, but I opted to reference the room_width variable, and start at room_width-96 instead

Using room_width means the lives will continue to be at the correct spot even if you make the view/room wider (technically we should be referencesing the view or gui width, but we don’t know how to do that yet)

Also, you may want to reverse the order of the sprites to make the 3rd life be on the right side instead of the left

How should I handle the sides of the room?

You have a few options

  • Make Player Stop: We haven’t gone over this yet, but the easiest way to do add walls and leverage the solid property. When you mark an object as solid, that means that other objects can’t overlap when they collide with it. Emphasis on the when they collide! So if we create an oWall object which we put along the edges of the screen, and we don’t want the player to stop when it hits it, we need to mark oWall as solid AND make a collision event in oPlayer. The collision event doesn’t need to have any code, but the event still needs to exist (it’s weird, I know)

  • Instant Wall Death: You could also just make oWall kill the player, this is easier

  • Extend Spikes: Maybe we don’t care if the player goes outside the room? But we can’t have them using that strategy to get around the spikes, so at the very least we need to extend the spikes far enough outside the room to ensure that the player can’t skip them

How do I make the spikes fill the room?

There are better ways to do this, but I actually made the spike sprites really tall (1280 px). That way they’ll always extend to the bottom regardless of how high they are in the room

I’m still hungry for more, any ideas?

That’s awesome! Here are some more avenues to consider

  • Power Ups: You can spawn power ups to make oPlayer jump higher, or move from side to side faster
  • Level Menu: Add a menu to let the player start from a different level
  • High Score: Keep track of the high score across multiple runs
  • More Trampolines: Add special trampolines that move, or do other tricks

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